6 Steps Leaders Can Take to Restore Stability and Growth in West Africa

This year’s summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is taking place in a difficult environment for the regional bloc.

Recent events in the region have been marked by coups, insecurity and economic instability. Climate change also poses many challenges.

Since 2020, there have been six successful coups and two attempted coups in the region, followed by the withdrawal of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger from the bloc. All three countries were founding members of ECOWAS (in 1975) and are key countries in the Sahel.

The 15-member economic bloc has developed Africa’s most integrated economic community through a free trade area, free movement of citizens, development of regional infrastructure such as roads and a dispute resolution mechanism. The bloc also has a functioning court of justice.

But the bloc and its members face threats to their stability.

Read also: Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger want to leave ECOWAS. A political scientist explains the consequences

As a specialist in politics and international relations with expertise on West Africa and the Sahel, I have already analyzed the importance of ECOWAS for peace and security in the region.

ECOWAS played a key role in restoring peace in Sierra Leone and Liberia in the 1990s, for example.

This year’s summit must begin to restore this stabilizing role. I have identified six steps that ECOWAS leaders could take:

  • find short, medium and long term solutions to insecurity in the region

  • boost trade within the region and improve economic development

  • fight against drug trafficking

  • adopt climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies

  • Develop a master plan for youth development and empowerment

  • ensure democratic stability in the region.

Addressing these issues is essential to maintaining peace, promoting stability and achieving economic development in the region.

Read also: The rush to the Sahel: why France, Russia, China and the United States are interested in the region


In recent years, there has been an increase in conflict and insecurity in several West African countries.

Problems range from terrorism to farmer-herder conflicts. Some communities have been devastated by the insurgency and people have been forced to flee their homes.

Data obtained from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees indicate that in 2022, West and Central Africa hosted 11.2 million forcibly displaced people, including 7.8 million internally displaced people and 1.6 million refugees. A significant percentage of these people are from West Africa.

The displacement of farmers leads to food insecurity. This insecurity transcends borders and must be addressed collectively.

Domestic trade

A January 2024 World Bank report states that despite the potential to produce enough food locally, several West African countries rely on food imports from outside the continent.

ECOWAS leaders must identify ways to boost local production. This would reduce unemployment and stimulate local economic growth.

Drug traffic

In recent years, drug trafficking has grown significantly in West Africa and the Sahel. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, cocaine seizures in the Sahel have increased from an average of 13 kg per year between 2015 and 2020 to 1,466 kg in 2022.

Drug use has also increased among the region’s youth. Drugs like kush – which is as dangerous as heroin and cocaine but much cheaper – are devastating communities and causing thousands of deaths.

ECOWAS leaders must tackle drug epidemic.

Read also: Niger cuts military ties with the United States: why this is bad for Sahel security

Impact of climate change

Climate change is impacting communities, leading to increased competition for resources, violent conflict and forced migration in several countries in the region.

Although ECOWAS has taken commendable steps to address the impact of climate change, such as the ECOWAS Climate Strategy and Action Plan, much remains to be done in terms of adaptation.

For example, it is necessary to recognize the link between climate change and farmer-herder conflicts in order to avoid further conflicts. Other climate change mitigation measures, such as early warning and early action, must also be put in place.

ECOWAS leaders must also develop strategies to access and generate funds needed to combat climate change.

Youth Development and Empowerment

The West and Central African regions have some of the highest concentrations of youth in the world. With a median age of 17.5 years, there is an urgent need for ECOWAS leaders to develop a master plan for youth development.

Coups in the region, supported by thousands of youth, reflect youth frustration with current governance structures. Recent violent youth riots in Kenya also reflect deep divisions in several African countries.

Democratic stability

Since 2020, there have been six successful coups and two attempted coups in West Africa. Several reasons have been put forward, such as economic instability, insecurity, corruption and external interference.

ECOWAS leaders must explore ways to prevent further coups, starting with a focus on good governance.

Military leaders must be encouraged and supported to make the transition to democracy as quickly as possible. Restoring communication with military leaders is essential for the stability of the ECOWAS region.

Read more: Niger and Russia forge military ties: 3 ways it could upset former allies

How can ECOWAS leaders address these issues?

Solving these problems will require commitment and sacrifice.

Key strategies would include reducing the cost of governance at all levels, combating corruption, involving young people and developing local capacities.

This will restore confidence in the countries of the region, boost local productivity and give hope to the populations.

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