Cake Hat Pikachu 100% Perfect IV Stats, Shiny Cake Hat Pikachu in Pokemon Go
This week Star time is dedicated to the one thing the community loves to complain about the most. No, not remote raids. No, not new features that no longer work. Yes, this Spotlight Hour is dedicated to Pik-hat-chu!
Pikachu is one of the most disguised Pokémon in the game, with a whopping 62 costume variations to collect. And that’s not including the shiny version of each one. This hour-long showcase features a new… no, wait, that’s the same Pikachu Cake Hat that was released two years ago for the 6th anniversary event, right? Oh well. It’s not like we haven’t seen lazy design in Pokémon Go before.
This means this week’s Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to hunt down a Perfect Pikachu In Pokémon Go. Or it would be if you could evolve it. Yes, this costume is clearly made of Everstone because Cake Hat Pikachu can’t evolve.
Unfortunately, if this Spotlight Hour seems to get worse with every paragraph you read, that’s because it is. However, all is not lost. This week’s bonus is double capture xpmeaning you can quickly accumulate XP, should you feel the need to catch even more Pikachu.
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Pikachu’s 100% Perfect IV Stats in Pokémon Go
This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Pikachu with perfect IV stats.
In Pokémon Go, the word “perfect” means two things, depending on how you plan to use a given Pokémon. First, there’s the 100% max IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you need for your 4* Pokédex, raids, and Master League. However, because of the way CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is usually just the best version of itself in Master League.
Of course, you can’t see a Pokémon’s IV without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Pikachu based on CP alone.
If you are level 30 (or above), you will ideally be looking for the following CP for a perfect 15/15/15 Pikachu:
- Level 30 (Maximum Wild CP) – 804 CP
- Level 35 (Maximum Wild CP enhanced by weather) – 871 CP
Wild CP value is your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30, and since the majority of players are now above that level, we’ve kept these values for simplicity. These values will be different if you’re currently below Level 30, however.
Is Pikachu good at PVP?
Wait, you’re not talking about Raichu, we all hear you ask?
No, we’re talking about Pikachu, because this variant can’t evolve. And no. No, it’s terrible. Its maximum CP is 1060, which means it can’t even compete at the top of the Great League. Aside from being a Pokédex entry, this costume is pretty much worthless in Pokémon Go. It makes sense, really – could you win a battle wearing a cake as a hat? I didn’t think so…
Given that this variant lets you get Pikachu Candy, you could argue that it’s a chance to maximize your PVP Pokémon, but unfortunately, Raichu and Alolan Raichu are both terrible at PVP right now. Alolan Raichu used to be pretty decent, but it’s no longer in a good position in the meta – it’s barely a top 20 Electric-type Pokémon in either the Great League or Ultra League. If PVP is your thing, there’s not much to do here, sorry.
Is there a shiny Pikachu in Pokémon Go?
Of course! The Shiny Pikachu family was the second set of shinies released in the game, five months after the launch of the Shiny Magikarp family in March 2017. Since then, all Pikachu variants have been available in their shiny form.
It’s important to remember, however, that since light hours don’t have an increased shiny rate, the chances of finding a shiny are the same as in the wild. You just have a higher chance of finding one due to the number of spawns.
What does shiny Pikachu look like?
As you can see below, the shiny Pikachu is Pikachu but bigger.
Pichu and Raichu are the same, unfortunately – slight tweaks to the saturation slider are all this Pokemon gets. It’s a bit weird, considering it’s the official mascot, but such is life…
Other tips for this Spotlight Hour
Besides trying to catch a shiny Pikachu in Pokémon Go, there are a few other great reasons to participate in this week’s Spotlight Hour:
- The best reason, perhaps even more than Pikachu itself depending on how long you’ve been playing Pokémon Go, is the double capture xp Bonus running throughout the hour. Try to focus on making great throws to make the most of this bonus! We also recommend waiting until this Featured Hour is live before catching your first Pokémon of the day, as again, this will earn you more XP.
- This bonus can be stacked with a Lucky Egg, which doubles the amount of XP you earn for each activity in Pokémon Go.
- If you’re new to the Spotlight, this Spotlight Hour is a great time to collect enough Pikachu Candy to evolve this Pokémon into Raichu in your Pokédex.
- Since Pikachu is an Electric-type, catching a bunch of Pikachu during this Featured Hour will progress your respective Catch Bonus Medal.
Spotlight Hour events last just one hour, from 6pm to 7pm (local time). Check back next week for Spheal and his Double Candy Catch Bonus.
Good luck finding a perfect Pikachu!
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