Daily Breakfast Food Helps Prevent Diabetes and Stop Fat Absorption | United Kingdom | News
Eating plain yogurt for breakfast could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and promote weight loss, scientists say. This common refrigerator staple is not only full of health-promoting “good” bacteria, but it also contains protein and calcium to strengthen bones and muscles.
According to striking findings from the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge, regular consumption of this unpretentious snack was associated with a staggering 28% reduction in the risk of diabetes compared to those who ‘avoided completely. What’s more, experts say it can even block the absorption of body fat, making it a great ally for those looking to lose weight.
Further research, detailed in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, found that a daily serving of 40g could reduce the risk of liver cancer by 5.4%, based on data from 5,000 participants. Nutritionist Ian Marber praised plain yoghurt for its many benefits, noting: “Plain yoghurt has many health benefits and is often cheaper than trendy alternatives.”
Researchers at the University of Washington have found that eating at least two servings of yogurt per week can reduce the risk of precancerous tumors, called adenomas, by a fifth. The study, which followed more than 80,000 people for 25 years, found that those who regularly ate yogurt had 19% fewer growths and 26% fewer high-risk varieties.
In another study conducted by the Epidemiology Unit of the Medical Research Council at the University of Cambridge, it was reported that regular consumers of yogurt had a 28% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who never consumed it, reports Gloucestershire Live.
Additionally, yogurt has been shown to have impressive anti-inflammatory effects. Typically, inflammatory markers in the body increase after a meal, especially if the food is high in fat and sugar.
High levels of inflammation are linked to diseases such as heart disease, arthritis and asthma.
Yogurt is also a rich source of iodine, vitamins D, B2 and B12, and zinc, according to Marber. He further added that it is a good source of protein and, like milk, contains “the most widely available and easily absorbed form of calcium.”
Dr Caroline Childs, nutritional science expert at the University of Southampton, confirmed the health benefits of yogurt, saying: “Generally speaking, yogurt is a very good thing. It’s a helpful way to get probiotics or beneficial bacteria and it tastes great. Some studies suggest that eating calcium-rich foods like yogurt makes it more difficult for the body to absorb fat from food. But it must be plain milk yogurt, with nothing else added, to have these effects.
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