Does not cleaning your grill actually make for tastier meat?

When it comes to barbecue, there’s almost nothing we don’t try to achieve the best results. We’ll happily use club soda or root beer to enhance pulled pork and build a collection of various woods and charcoals to achieve the precise flavor we’re looking for. One thing we are a little more hesitant about? Do not clean the barbecue pit. Although it sounds unhygienic, some chefs swear it’s the secret to tastier barbecue.

To maintain your grill, it is recommended to store it after each use. This certainly applies to grills, but some people let grease, which they call seasoning, build up in their grill pits over time. The argument is that the buildup of fat, juices and crumbs impacts the flavor of the smoke carried to the meat you’re grilling on top, making it more flavorful. It’s true that meat grilled on a seasoned grill is slightly more delicious than meat prepared on a clean grill, but the difference isn’t enough to risk using this dangerous method.

Your grill doesn’t have to be completely spotless, but it doesn’t have to be dirty either. Grease lying around can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Excessive quantity can also cause fires. If there are large grease splatters after one or two uses, scrape them off. After about seven uses, you will need to clean the grill thoroughly. This way, you will enjoy the benefits of a well-seasoned grill without any risk.

Read more: 13 Underrated Cuts of Meat You Should Grill

Season your grill grates instead

Barbecue with flames – varuna/Shutterstock

Endless layers of fat in the grill shouldn’t be seen as a positive thing, but it also doesn’t mean that every part of the grill shouldn’t be seasoned. Although the names are the same, the process of seasoning the grills is very different. It still needs to be cleaned, but in a non-abrasive manner, like you would season a cast iron skillet.

Gently remove any debris with a grill brush before wiping the surface with a high smoke point neutral oil. As with a skillet, turn the grill on high and let sit for about 30 minutes. Quite a few grill grates are made of cast iron, so the seasoning process will ultimately result in a non-stick surface with great heat retention that gives food a better sear, giving you a more flavorful barbecue.

If you’re still tempted to let your grill get dirty in the name of a good, smoky barbecue, know that there are other methods. Using the best types of wood for smoking and grilling will give you the flavor you want without any risk. Rather than not cleaning your grill and risking your scallops tasting like last night’s rack of ribs, opt for wood chips like hickory and mesquite to give your barbecue an intense, smoky flavor.

Read the original article on the tasting table.

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