Enjoy the BBQ, but get ready to save the cows | News, Sports, Jobs

Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they may not be around much longer.

That’s because climate zealots have declared war on livestock. It turns out that the biggest killers on the planet are apparently cows. That’s the only logical conclusion from a recent CNN headline that informs us that “World’s first carbon tax on livestock will cost farmers $100 per cow.”

I don’t usually pay much attention to crazy ideas that come from across the Atlantic, but this is the kind of madness that migrates across the ocean to our shores.

Denmark to impose $96 tax per cow “for the greenhouse gas emissions they generate.”

If you’re wondering why cows have suddenly become supervillains, you’re not paying attention to the extremists who lead the environmental movement. That’s because every time a cow burps or emits gas (methane, to be exact), the planet warms up. The demons!

So we are the first country to impose a tax on livestock, and pigs and goats could be next. Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen boasts that “We are investing billions” in this transition to a carbon-free society. It seems like he’s aiming for the Nobel Prize. Cows are the collateral victims of this crusade to save the planet from heat waves.

According to CNN, the global food system contributes to a third of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

PBS says it’s worse than that. It notes that “Cows and other livestock are responsible for about 40% of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. As cows digest their high-fiber diet, they emit methane as a byproduct, making them one of the least climate-friendly food sources on the planet.”

Take off their heads.

My prediction is that within the next 18 months some member of Congress (AOC?) will propose a similar tax on Bessie here.

I guess I should console myself with the thought that at least we finally have liberals who admit that if you tax something, you get less for it. More taxes on cows means fewer cattle. That’s the idea here.

So why tax work, savings and investment? Do we want these two things to be taxed less?

The sad irony of this tax system is that it is the same movement that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to save elephants, polar bears, pandas, tigers, dolphins and other animals. “the threatened species.” But apparently we can do without cows. They’re not cute and cuddly enough. “biodiversity”.

Where is all this going? The species apparently responsible for almost all carbon emissions is humans. We are the real villains. We burn coal, wood, oil and gas to light, heat and cool our homes, and to power factories, hospitals and schools.

Maybe we should impose a birth tax on humans to save the planet. As the old saying goes: our planet would be beautiful if there weren’t so many people, and cows.

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