Heloise’s Tips: Grocery Store Parking Tips, Gift Ideas for Bookworms, and More


Dear Heloise: When I go to the store, I always park next to the carriage return for a few reasons. First, it is very unlikely that someone will leave a carriage next to my car (and risk damaging it) because the carriage return is right next to it. Second, I always take a carriage from the carriage return to help the parking attendant have fewer carriages to lug around. Third, it allows me to “test drive” the carriage on my way to the store. If it doesn’t work properly, I take a new one inside. Finally, it is convenient for me to load my car and then put my carriage away.

I read your column in the New Hampshire Union Leader. — BC, New Hampshire


Dear Heloise: Most of my friends are avid readers who love nothing more than a good book. So when I give them a gift, I usually give them a gift card to a local bookstore or buy them a book. Then I embroider a bookmark as a personal touch. Everyone seems to appreciate it. — KM, in Oregon


Dear Heloise: I have read your books and found some very useful information. One suggestion that stood out to me was to roll clothes when packing for a trip.

I liked the idea so much that I rolled up my dish towels and neatly stored them in a kitchen drawer. They look neat and are handy to have around. — SD, Illinois


Dear Heloise: I put my wooden matches in a pill bottle for camping trips. However, I realized I needed a striking surface to use the matches on, so I cut out a round circle and glued it to the top of the pill bottle. It was so simple, and I can easily carry the pill bottle in my purse. — LS, California


Dear Heloise: My two brothers and I like to rent a beach house for a few weeks each summer, and we bring our families and dogs with us. The first year, we all brought too much food, so we decided that going forward, one family would do breakfast, one family would do lunch, and one family would do dinner.

This only lasted for the first three days. For the next three days, the family that had cooked breakfast cooked lunch, the family that had eaten lunch the day before cooked dinner, and the family that had eaten dinner the day before cooked breakfast. We rotated the work and everyone got their fair share of the chores and expenses. Plus, we all got to show off our cooking skills! — Don, Jack, and Andy, Michigan


Dear Heloise:A few years ago I inherited my mother’s scarves. Most of them were hand embroidered and quite pretty, even after all these years. I noticed that the top of my refrigerator was getting rather dusty, so I used one of these dresser scarves to protect it from dust by placing it on top of my refrigerator. I can easily remove it, wash it, and iron it. I then place it at the bottom of a pile of dresser scarves and put the next one on top of the refrigerator. — JD, in Oregon

Crumbed biscuits

Dear Heloise: Every time I buy a package of cookies, I save the crumbs in the bag and then transfer them to an airtight glass jar. They make delicious toppings for ice cream or pudding. — LR, in Wisconsin

SEND IMPORTANT TIP TO: Heloise@Heloise.com

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