The most sought-after grills, cocktails and salads

Fourth of July celebrations are changing, with some cities opting for drones instead of fireworks and holiday grill masters getting excited about grilling… corn and asparagus?

More Americans said they plan to barbecue or grill on July 4 this year (56%) than last year (49%), according to more than 1,000 people surveyed by research firm Numerator in April 2024.

Grilling comes in second only to gathering with family and friends (58% said it was their plan for the Fourth of July) and tops attending a public celebration (31%), cooking or baking at home (26%) and hosting others at home (18%), according to the Numerator survey.

What’s open on July 4th?View store hours and details for Target, Walmart, Home Depot and more.

What’s Cooking on the 4th of July? Most Searched Foods in ‘How to Grill’

You might expect that most grilling plans would focus on cooking meat as the main dish. Meats like chicken, salmon, and steaks were the top “how to grill” searches on Google last year, in the lead-up to the Fourth of July holiday.

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