Why Fewer People Buy Grills for Home Barbecues

Fewer people are interested in purchasing a grill for their home, according to a new report on a recent drop in sales.

But that doesn’t mean there are fewer people cooking on their patios this summer.

Barbecue Industry Trends

A recent article published by CNN looked at trends among popular grill brands. It was noted that several major brands have seen sales decline in recent years.

At the same time, people are grilling more often than ever.

Data from the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association showed that 80% of homeowners own a grill or smoker. The same study, published in the State of the Barbecue Industry 2023 report, noted that more people are grilling for meals other than dinner, including brunch and breakfast.

READ MORE: 7 Bad Grilling Habits You Should Stop Before Your Next Cookout

Additionally, the study also showed that people REALLY got into grilling during the pandemic in 2020, when CNN reported that “Americans purchased more than 21 million grills and smokers.”

This recovery, however, may also go a long way toward explaining why stores have so many grills lying around.

Why Nobody Buys a Grill

With everyone stuck at home in 2020, they figured they might as well try something new. While some took to taking breaks, others took to grilling.

Several stores that spoke to CNN said their grill sales spiked in 2020 but have since returned to “normal.”

This can largely be attributed to the fact that grills purchased in 2020 are still in working order in 2024.

According to barbecue blog GrillersSpot.com, it’s hard to pinpoint the lifespan of a grill, but most parts last at least two years. If the grill is properly maintained and made from “higher quality parts,” it can last 10 to 15 years.

In other words, not all grills sold in 2020 need to be replaced yet. But that time could come very soon. CNN estimates that the average grill lasts five years.

“It is clear that the replacement phase has not yet really begun,” the report said.

7 Bad Grilling Habits You Need to Stop NOW!

Chances are you’re doing at least one of these things. Here’s everything you need to stop doing on the grill before you ruin your next meal.

Gallery Credits: Rob Carroll

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Gallery Credits: Rob Carroll

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