Woman loses half her weight thanks to diet change – ‘I was so embarrassed’

Jennifer Marshall, 42, from Coatbridge in North Lanarkshire, had struggled with her weight since losing her partner in 2009, turning to food for comfort and an escape from the harshness of grief.

Tipping the scales at over 18, Jennifer’s mental health hit rock bottom. When her doctor diagnosed her with type 2 diabetes, she knew it was time to overhaul her lifestyle.

Jennifer, Retail Manager, shared: “I had very low self-confidence, I was definitely holding back at work and missing out on promotions. I was staying in my comfort zone because I was so afraid that people judge me because of my size.

“I’ve always struggled with my weight, and it exploded after losing my partner. I isolated myself and turned to food. I knew I was gaining too much weight, so I tried different diets, but I just couldn’t stick to them.”

Jennifer said: “After my doctor diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes, I was scared and didn’t know what impact it would have on my life. I knew that losing weight was the only way to improve my health and manage my type 2 diabetes. Some of my friends had recently joined Slimming World and I was doing well, so I thought I would was going to follow. I was nervous and felt embarrassed for letting myself get to the size I was.

“I didn’t have to worry, but my consultant, Irene, immediately put me at ease and, among the members, I found a group of lovely people, ready to help me and supportive. They shared their experiences with me every week. and I never judged mine.

Jennifer has been a part of Slimming World since January 2021 and has lost an incredible 8 pounds of 13.5 pounds in just over a year and a half, without losing any weight as well. She went from a size 24 to a size 10, and was even told her type 2 diabetes was in remission.

She shared: “I couldn’t believe it when my doctor told me my blood sugar was below the diabetic range. In fact, I don’t think he could believe it either! I completely transformed my health by changing what I did. I eat.”

Jennifer revealed she still enjoys curries and spaghetti bolognese, but Slimming World’s recipes include healthy swaps such as lean mince and adding more vegetables to dishes.

“Most important to me,” Jennifer began. “I found the diet flexible and was able to easily adapt it to the advice my healthcare team had given me regarding managing my type 2 diabetes.”

Jennifer now feels more energetic, which has led her to take exercise classes and walk every day; her success was such that she has now embarked on a new adventure to become a Slimming World consultant.

Jennifer said: “If I can do it, I believe anyone can do it, which is why I decided to become a consultant for Slimming World myself. Helping my members and seeing them achieve their goals is the best role in the world!

Jennifer’s front menu

Breakfast: nothing.
Lunch: Fast food meal.
Dinner: Indian takeaway meals with all the accompaniments or a cooked meal.
Snacks: Three or four chocolate bars a day, chips and six cans of soft drink.

Jennifer’s after menu

Breakfast: Weetabix with skimmed milk and fruit.
Lunch: scrambled egg on wholemeal toast.
Dinner: Homemade spaghetti bolognese followed by fruit and meringue.
Snacks: Apples and a chocolate bar.

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