Don’t Juice Vegetables and Fruits Together, Expert Explains Why

Juicing has become a popular trend for those looking for a quick and convenient way to increase their nutritional intake. However, not all juices are equal and mixing fruits and vegetables may not be as beneficial as it seems. In a video that went viral on Instagram, Dr Dimple Jangda, Ayurvedic gut health coach warned against mixing vegetables and fruits in a juice, stating “When you mix these two, it can lead to delayed digestion, delayed gastric emptying, or gastroparesis.”

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, gastric emptying means your stomach takes too long to empty its contents, forming bezoars, which are large clumps of old food. The bezoar can obstruct the stomach and prevent food from passing into the small intestine.

What is gastroparesis

Although it is essential to note that juices themselves do not directly cause this condition, certain combinations of fruits and vegetables may contribute to digestive discomfort in some people.

One of the key factors to consider when juicing fruits and vegetables is the difference in their digestion times.

This is because, as Dr. Jangda noted, “fruits only need one hour in the stomach to digest, while vegetables need two hours in the stomach to digest.” be digested.

The combination of these two categories can create an imbalance in the digestive process, potentially leading to problems such as bloating or indigestion.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the main symptoms of gastroparesis are:

  • Feeling full shortly after starting a meal
  • Feeling full long after eating a meal
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Too much bloating
  • Too much belching
  • Pain in the upper abdomen
  • Stomach pains
  • Small appetite
An expert explains why you shouldn't juice vegetables and fruit together

The importance of food combination

Proponents of food combining argue that different food groups require different digestive environments, and mixing fruits and vegetables can disrupt this harmony.

For example, fruits are mostly simple sugars, which can ferment quickly, while vegetables contain complex fibers that take longer to break down. Conflict in digestion times can lead to suboptimal absorption of nutrients and unwanted digestive discomfort.

Nutrient absorption is key

Although fruits and vegetables offer a multitude of essential nutrients, consuming them in their whole, unprocessed form might be a more balanced approach:

Whole fruits provide fiber that helps slow the absorption of sugars, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar. Vegetables provide essential micronutrients and fiber, supporting a constant release of energy.

Read also: Is it healthy to drink fruit juice every day? Expert Answers

Juices can be a convenient way to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, but combining them without considering their digestion time can lead to potential problems like gastroparesis and digestive discomfort. To optimize nutrient absorption and support overall digestive health, consider eating fruits and vegetables separately or in a more sensible combination. As with any dietary choice, it is essential to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional if you have any specific concerns or dietary restrictions.

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