How can soy help skin? Here’s what an expert says

WWhether you love tofu, love edamame, or have your latte with plant-based milk, you probably know about the health benefits of soy through protein. But did you know that it also contains compounds that support the skin?

Research shows that eating soy can leave your skin more hydrated and may help reduce fine lines (yes, seriously). A September 2023 clinical study, published in Nutrients and conducted on postmenopausal women, found that participants who consumed 30 grams of soy protein every day for six months had an increase in skin hydration and a decrease in skin tone. depth of wrinkles and pigmentation.

Curious what this means for you (and your complexion)? Mark Messina, PhD, MS, director of nutrition science and research at the Soy Nutrition Institute Global (SNI Global), presents the trial results in simple terms so you can spend more time snacking to get healthy and hydrated skin.

The Science Behind Soy and Skin

Previous research and clinical trials have suggested that soy isoflavones may have a beneficial effect on skin health, says Messina, and yet relatively few healthcare professionals are aware of this benefit. This is why SNI Global, the scientific organization at the forefront of research, education and advocacy on soy and health, and the United Soybean Board have decided to fund a clinical trial dedicated to soy and skin.

The study suggests that soy’s high isoflavone content is likely what makes it so beneficial for the skin, says Messina. You’ll find isoflavones in many plant-based foods, but they are particularly concentrated in soy. These natural compounds are commonly classified as “plant estrogens” and although they work in different ways, they mimic estrogenic effects on the skin.

According to Messina, “isoflavones could benefit skin health in several ways” beyond activating estrogen receptors in the skin. They can exert antioxidant effects, “which could inhibit the damaging effects of free radicals” on your skin, and they help stimulate the synthesis and concentration of elements like collagen and hyaluronic acid – you know, ingredients that found in all your favorite skincare products.

Collagen, the skin’s main protein that provides structure, declines with age, so it is especially important to support its synthesis after menopause. According to the study, a strengthened collagen network can help smooth fine lines.

The same goes for hyaluronic acid, which is “an important component of the skin’s extracellular matrix and acts as a biological humectant…to attract and retain moisture,” says Messina. Research shows that “soy may increase the skin’s natural hyaluronic acid levels, which would increase skin hydration and help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.” Hello, hydration.

Who can benefit from soy

If your interest is piqued, but you’re wondering if soy can help you your the skin is just right. The short answer, according to Messina? Yes probably.

Messina nevertheless wishes to be transparent about the limitations of the study. All 44 trial participants had lighter skin tones, but “there is no reason not to think that isoflavones would also be effective in darker-skinned postmenopausal women.”

And although the study involved postmenopausal participants, “one of the earlier studies that produced the most impressive results found that consuming 40 milligrams per day of isoflavones benefited premenopausal Japanese women,” he says. “It may be that premenopausal and postmenopausal women benefit from isoflavones.”

How to Add More Soy to Your Diet

With all this research confirming the benefits of soy for skin, you may be ready to add more of this plant-based protein to your diet. Messina recommends aiming for two servings per day (like two glasses of soy milk or a cup of tofu) to ensure you’re getting enough isoflavones.

There are no limits when it comes to creative soy recipes. Try a satisfying bowl of tempeh with lemon miso dressing at lunchtime, a berry banana smoothie for a quick and delicious snack, loaded soy crumble nachos (um, yes if you please) for dinner or a tofu and lemon cheesecake for dessert. So next time you’re at the grocery store, make sure soy foods are on your list. Your hydrated skin will thank you.

To learn more about the benefits of soy, visit

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