Make This Classic Eggless Italian Frittata at Home

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What is the story

Italian frittata is a versatile dish often enjoyed for breakfast or brunch.

Traditionally made with eggs, this egg-free version caters to vegetarian diets while retaining the essence of the beloved classic.

Originating from Italy, frittatas are similar to an open omelette and can be topped with a variety of vegetables and cheeses.

Without further ado, let’s get to cooking.

Gather the following ingredients

You will need one cup of gram flour, two cups of water, one teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of turmeric for color.

Arrange to add salt and pepper to taste.

Also prepare a diced onion, a cup of chopped spinach, a half cup of diced bell peppers, a clove of minced garlic, and a quarter cup of nutritional yeast or grated vegan cheese for flavor.

Prepare the dough

Start by combining the chickpea flour, water, baking powder, turmeric powder, salt and pepper in a large bowl.

Whisk these ingredients together until smooth.

Once mixed, let the dough sit for about 10 minutes.

This waiting period allows the mixture to thicken just enough to form a reliable base that will hold the rest of the ingredients together when cooked.

Brown the vegetables

In a non-stick pan over medium heat with a little olive oil or vegetable stock for sautéing if you prefer oil-free cooking, cook the onions until translucent before adding the garlic and peppers.

After about two minutes, when the peppers soften slightly, add the spinach and cook until wilted.

This step infuses flavor into your vegetables which will permeate the frittata.

Combine the ingredients

Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and carefully pour the batter over the sautéed vegetables, ensuring even distribution.

Sprinkle generously with nutritional yeast or vegan cheese on top, adding a layer of savory flavor.

Place a lid on the pan to let the mixture cook undisturbed.

This process should take about ten minutes, but may vary slightly depending on the thickness of the frittata.

Finalize the dish

Once the edges are set and the center is slightly soft, uncover the pan and place it under the broiler for three to five minutes.

Keep a close eye as the top turns golden and the frittata becomes firm all over.

This ensures it is fully cooked without the need to flip, unlike traditional egg-based frittatas, providing a simple finish to this classic dish.

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