The secret to Jon & Vinny’s breakfast pizza is to cook the egg separately

When it comes to late-night comfort food, nothing is quite as satisfying as a big slice of pizza. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chicago, New York or even Neapolitan. If it has mozzarella, a thick, rich tomato sauce and an assortment of toppings, this pie is the perfect meal. Although it is often devoured by families for dinner or by students during intense study sessions, there is nothing against eating it for breakfast. In fact, at Jon & Vinny’s, an Italian restaurant in Los Angeles that serves pizza all day, Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo think it’s a great way to start the day.

“These pizzas naturally lend themselves to people wanting them in the morning. We make a breakfast pizza that has a cooked potato, shredded and placed on top of the dough, parmesan cheese and a fried egg,” explained Shook during an exclusive interview. with tasting table. This is why the chefs offer several different pizzas on their menu. There is the classic that comes with cheese and your choice of meat, there is one that is served cold, but there are also two that come with potatoes and fried eggs – two ingredients that scream small -lunch. For these two pizzas, the chefs do something unusual: they cook the egg separately.

Read more: 19 Popular Pizza Chains, Ranked From Worst to Best

The egg is not part of the initial cooking process

Jon & Vinny’s Breakfast Pizza – Sacha Cosentino

Usually, when making a pizza, the dough is mixed, the toppings are placed on top, and it is placed in the oven to bake. But Jon and Vinny approach things a little differently when it comes to their breakfast pizzas. While most of the ingredients are cooked with the dough in the oven, this is not the case for the egg. It is added at the end. “For a long time, we cooked the egg on the pizza in the oven, and now we’ve moved to cooking the egg in a pan and placing it on the pizza when it comes out of the oven,” says Shake.

The award-winning chef admits he made the change for consistency reasons. Since there are currently four Jon & Vinny’s restaurants with more on the way, the chefs wanted to be sure that customers would get the same pizza no matter which restaurant they visited. The same pizza means the egg is cooked exactly the way the chefs want it every time. “We want to have a runny egg, especially a runny yolk in the middle,” Shook says. By cooking the egg in a pan and SO By placing it on top of the pizza, they can keep an eye on the egg while it cooks and ensure the runny yolk everyone desires.

Read the original article on the tasting table.

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