Americans who abuse drugs are to blame for the immigration problem – Daily Press


Many migrants seek refuge in the United States because drug cartels in their home communities terrorize or murder their family members. Often, employment is only available if the job seeker is willing to give in to the dangerous whims of the cartels. We continue to read about the fentanyl crisis crossing our southern borders and the death toll. I would like to posit that if there was no market, the deaths would not exist and the number of migrants would eventually dry up because the cartels cannot function if they are not financed by American drug addicts.

As Americans continue to enjoy what may start as recreational use of illicit drugs but will eventually become an addiction, deaths and mass migrations will continue. We must realize that we are the problem by choice. The Americans are responsible for the success of the cartels. They are murdering, raping and terrorizing the citizens of Central and South American countries, and we are funding their efforts. Blame yourself, not the government, for not controlling the situation. There is no excuse for not knowing the consequences of using illicit drugs. There is not a school, newspaper or social media site that has not discussed the horrors of drug addiction.

All Americans who abuse drugs and those who are not yet addicted to drugs must choose to be part of the solution or the problem.

Pam Pouchot, Yorktown

School breakfast

The school breakfast is a powerful tool to help students succeed inside and outside of the classroom.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools recently received a $36,000 grant from No Kid Hungry to strengthen its Breakfast After the Bell programs, which increase the number of students eating breakfast at school by serving breakfast eating lunch in class or giving students the option to pick up their meals from mobile carts in convenient locations throughout the school. This funding is part of a larger initiative, No Kid Hungry allocating $251,675 to 12 Virginia school districts. Grants allow schools to enhance their breakfast programs by acquiring essential equipment like coolers and carts, ensuring that every child starts their day with a nutritious meal.

Childhood hunger remains a major concern across the state. Breakfast programs are an important part of the solution. Research from No Kid Hungry indicates that Breakfast After the Bell programs can increase breakfast participation by up to 88% among students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

As we recently celebrated National School Breakfast Week (March 4-8), we invite the community to express their gratitude to a school nutrition hero. Together, let’s recognize and appreciate those who help ensure our children start their day with a nutritious meal.

Sarah Steely, director of No Kid Hungry Virginia, Richmond


Regarding “Republicans” (Your Views, February 29): The letter writer states: “The GOP today is not the GOP your father knew. »

Can someone please explain why so many people support former President Donald Trump, knowing he is a liar and a tyrant? He told hundreds of lies and insulted many people by calling them derogatory names.

What would these people do or think if their children’s teachers lied to them or their pastors and doctors lied? So much has been written about “bullying,” especially in schools, and yet they support Trump, who is a bully.

To quote former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican), “the supreme quality of leadership is unquestionable integrity. Without this, no real success is possible, whether in a section team, on a football field, in the army or in the office.”

Charles McNaughton; Grandy, North Carolina

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